praise for Bronwyn’s writing

Rev Dr Margaret Mayman says: “Bronwyn has the creativity, imagination and power to have us sense the sacred in the ordinary. I remember when I first heard “Suddenly there is light all around” in a Christmas Eve meditation. The newborn Jesus, described in the same language that Bronwyn used for the moment of falling in love with her own child—the power of the experience of birthing brought into liturgy: earth, blood and new milk… Bronwyn’s words are more powerful and real than a thousand theological treatises on incarnation.”

“What beautiful poetry! I look forward to using some of your liturgical material too.”—Rev Jenny Dawson

“I wish more of our church services could be like this.”—Praise for a worship service from a senior Progressive minister.

“I want to tell you how much I have used your reflective writings in rest homes. At the moment, it feels like every week I give another person a copy of ‘Meditation for a Bad Day’ and ‘Meditation for a Good Day’ especially. They love them, and it really helps them to manage the long hours in a day when their mind is going flat out trying to process what is happening and all they want is to feel less wrung out by it all.” —from a hospital and elder care chaplain

“I just love your poem ‘Overheard on the bus’. I heard it on National Radio today and found myself in tears. It touches me on many levels.”—from a stranger who heard my poem read aloud

“As a Presbyterian Lay Preacher of the progressive Christian kind, I struggle at times to find suitable resources. Thank you so much!”—from a progressive worship leader

“It’s terrific poetry, it’s fresh, it’s tasty, it’s colourful – as you can tell from the purple front; it’s delicious poetry, and it’s in the heart, it’s in the mind, it’s in the spirit, and it’s on the buses all at the same time. It’s poetry that’s everywhere. Seriously Bronwyn, you are a fine poet… and I think you have definitely already begun to enrich the poetry canon of Aotearoa New Zealand.”- publisher Roger Steele, at the launch of you who delight me