Matariki – Waitangi – Creation

Please read my notes below

We wait in the quiet of this whare kōwhanga  Prayers on Christmas Eve

Ngā mihi o te tau hou (Happy New Year)!

Allies or Traitors? Waitangi weekend reflection

Te Tumu Herenga Waka and the Fishers – Reflection for Oceans Sunday in the Season of Creation

Liturgy of Celebration at Matariki

Prayers at Matariki

Lights of the world – Matariki prayer

Koha of hand and heart – offering prayer

Manawatanga (Blessing and dismissal)

Whakautu for Matariki

Easter Hikoi

Every good gift – offering prayer

Advent affirmation

As I’ve no expertise in tikanga or te reo Maori, I’ve created and led Matariki and other services in what I’ve called “te kawa o te Pakeha”: a layperson’s attempt to honour and incorporate the language and values of tangata whenua, while trying to avoid misappropriation. I’d welcome feedback on how well or poorly I’ve achieved this.

I hope these korero will be helpful for others looking for ways to honour our Tiriti partnership in our wor(th)ship.

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