spirit bubbling

Creative Spirit dancing in river and ocean and summer rain, waiting in water urn; Wild Spirit of wilderness, speaking from burning bush, from tussock and hebe, desert road and city street; Temperate Spirit of national park, green pasture and market square—speaking in a small voice or in the crashing of breakers on our shores; Joyful Spirit bubbling in our celebrations, enlivening people and communities, rising in our bread and sparkling our wine:

We hold in our hearts those who need our concern, and for whom justice is still a dream. We give thanks for and celebrate those things and people we appreciate; and we reflect on our needs and the desires of our hearts; know – in spirit, mind and bone – that the water jars of longing are filled with the miraculous wine, and filled again to overflowing, when we go where truth and justice lead.

As we long for justice and work for peace, we think of our sisters and brothers of all faiths – and none – who share our concern.

We hold in our hearts homeless people throughout the world: exiles and asylum seekers; prophets unrecognised in their own countries, and all whose journey leads them far from home. We bless those who have shown us kindness and made us welcome.

We hold in our hearts all who work for peace and reconciliation; and all whose efforts to make peace expose them to attacks from both sides. We bless all who work for social, racial or religious justice throughout the world.

We hold in our hearts those who are anxious about people they love; those too weary to love themselves; the discouraged and depressed. We bless those who hold our hands in the dark, and shine a light for us.

We hold in our hearts respect for the natural world and delight in its wonder and riches; and those people whose experience of the natural world has been impoverished through the circumstances of their lives or the actions of others. We bless those who help us nurture sensitivity to the spiritual resonance of nature.

We hold in our hearts: those who ask, “How long?” – those who wait for truth to rise again.