Just in time for Advent: “Something new” republished

Philip Garside (PGPL) has republished “Something new to say: words of spirit, faith and celebration for Advent and Christmas” in an expanded 2nd edition. Available in print and as an e-book, from all the usual booksellers, as well as direct from PGPL.

This collection celebrates a festive season where pohutukawa and rata are in bloom, friends gather around barbecues or picnic at the beach on Christmas Day, and many people travel to catch up with family or enjoy school holidays.

Reviewer’s comment
“Bronwyn’s words are more powerful and real than a thousand theological treatises on incarnation.” Rev Dr Margaret Mayman

The title comes from a Christmas Day reflection which Bronwyn led in 2010:

“Every year, in manses and studies and at the kitchen table, preachers and worship leaders approach Advent with a mixture of joy and trepidation. Joy, because Christmas is the penultimate Christian festival—each week the excitement builds, every week another candle is lit, every year is pregnant with possibilities—but trepidation, because December 25 after December 25, the person leading the service tries to find something new to say!”

Winter is coming… and spring, summer & autumn – but not just yet

After a year largely spent with family or working on art+craft projects for various exhibitions (yes, thank you, I’ve managed to sell quite a few items of jewellery, knitting and stitched fibre art), I’ve finally begun compiling the next book in my #Spirit and Faith series.

My plan was to follow both calendar and liturgical years, including liturgical resources suitable for Summer and Advent, Autumn and Passiontide, Winter and Pentecost, Spring and Season of Creation. 60 pages in, and I’m only up to Easter!

What a problem: I’ve got too much material. I’ll have to spread it over two books: one liturgical and one seasonal – or to put it another way, a collection for “high and holy days,” and another for “ordinary time”. Which should I work on first?

Just in time for Advent and Christmas: “Something new to say”

Just in time for planning your Advent and Christmas services: Liturgical resources for Advent, Christmas and the New Year (including Epiphany).

Where to buy:
Softcover available direct from Bronwyn, or purchase from Philip Garside Publishing.
Kindle edition on Amazon

Something new to say + You who delight me: $35.00 + p&p

Buy direct from Bronwyn during September 2018 (delivery in October), for $20.00 plus postage. Combine it with the purchase of “You who delight me” for the discount “bundle” price of only $15.00: two books for $35.00 plus p&p.

The third book in Bronwyn’s “Words of spirit and faith” series is in the planning stages, for publication in 2019.