Scattered and Gathered at Pentecost

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” (Acts 2:1)

Prayers of the People for a live streamed service during COVID-19 lock down

Today we meet in spirit, joined by technology, together in relationship, connexions in the web of life. Like those gathered in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven, we gather from our homes in diverse places, and we hear voices declaring the wonders of God in our several tongues, filtered through the media of our own perception and experience.

We are amazed and grateful for new ways of seeing, new interpretations of the good news,  of life lived fully, and of abundant grace. We give thanks for insights shared, frustrations surfaced and addressed; for the spark of new ideas, and for the embodied love of this scattered and gathered community.

We hold in our hearts all whose well-being—emotional, physical, financial—have been damaged by isolation, fear, loss of income or employment. We hold in our hearts our leaders and decision-makers, whose restoration work is just beginning.

May we be co-creators of a new normal, midwives of the Beloved Community where all are listened to and understood.

Wild Spirit of wilderness, speaking from burning bush, from tussock and hebe, desert road and city street;
Temperate Spirit of national park, green pasture and market square—speaking in a small voice or in the crashing of breakers on our shores
Joyful Spirit bubbling in our celebrations, enlivening people and communities, rising in our bread and sparkling our wine:
May we speak the language that all understand: loving action, warmth of friendship, integrity and justice for all.

Creative Spirit dancing in river and ocean and winter rain, may we be born again to renew the face of the earth.